Your asensei subscription and order details will be shown on the account page on the asensei website. To view go to or you can click on the account icon in the top right on any page on the main asensei rowing website.
When you go to the account page you will be prompted to login. You may be redirected to the cart page after login, in which case please click the account icon again.
How can I tell when my asensei subscription expires?
On the account page of the asensei rowing website you will see the heading SUBSCRIPTIONS, underneath that is a list of subscriptions that are active in the app - these may include free plans, which have no expiry date, and also paid plans, which will have an expiry date.
Recurring monthly or annual asensei subscriber
If you are a monthly or annual recurring subscriber to asensei you can manage your own subscription from the asensei rowing website Actions you can perform include skip a month, change from a monthly to an annual subscription, add a discount code and cancellations.
Manage asensei subscription page
To manage your subscription navigate directly to the subscription management page using this link: Note that if your membership is a one-off payment then you will be see an error message "Sorry, there is no subscription account associated to this Shopify customer ID. This means your asensei membership will not auto-renew." when you follow this link
You can also reach the subscription management page by clicking on the account icon in the top right of any web page. The icon is located between the cart and search icons.
When you click the account icon you will be prompted to sign-in using the same login as you use in the asensei app. Once logged-in you may need to click on the accounts icon again and then will be taken to the accounts summary page. Here you should be able to see your purchases. On the right hand side (on desktop, or at the foot of the page on mobile), underneath the ACCOUNT DETAILS heading you'll see a link titled Manage Subscriptions, which you should click on and which will bring a range of options.
From the Manage Subscriptions page you have a range of actions you can carry out including Cancelling, adding a discount code, changing address.
Please note that monthly rowing subscriptions are not covered by the asensei 30-day back guarantee that applies to annual purchases but can be cancelled at any time. asensei Personal Coaching subscriptions have a minimum term of 6 months but can be paused before that time, but they must be resumed so that a minimum of 6 payments have been taken.
Skip Next Payment (Pause asensei subscription)
If you wish to skip a payment e.g. skip a month of your subscription, for example if you are going away on holiday for a month, or if you wish to pause for a short period due to injury you can do that by following these steps (which assume you are already on the Subscriptions Management page):
1. There is a menu at the top of the screen in the Subscription Management portal, it will either be a drop down menu on a mobile or a menu bar on a laptop sized screen. Choose Subscriptions and you will be taken to a page showing your active subscription.
2. Your subscription product, such as ASENSEI ROWING MONTHLY will be listed here. Click on that product to be taken to a page showing the details of the subscription.
3. Click the link labelled Skip this order, this will be at the foot of the page, under your subscription item and the swap product and add discount buttons. This will bring up a screen with the details of the payment you are scheduled to make and the new scheduled date.
4. Check you are happy and then confirm the skip by pressing the button labelled Skip this order.
Switch from monthly to annual subscription
It is possible to switch your subscription to an annual plan from a monthly plan, if you wish to take advantage of the lower pricing. For more information see this article: How do I change my asensei subscription from monthly to annual?
Add a discount code
If you wish to add a discount code for upcoming payments, you can do that by following these steps (which assume you are already on the Subscriptions Management page):
1. There is a menu at the top of the screen in the Subscription Management portal, it will either be a drop down menu on a mobile or a menu bar on a laptop sized screen. Choose Subscriptions and you will be taken to a page showing your active subscription.
2. Your Active subscription product, such as ASENSEI ROWING MONTHLY will be listed here. Click on that product to be taken to a page showing the details of the subscription.
3. Click the button labelled Add discount, this will be at the foot of the page, under your subscription item and the swap product button. This will bring up a screen where you can enter a discount code
4. Enter the code, check you are happy and then confirm the discount by pressing the button labelled Apply Discount.
Delay Payment for an arbitrary period
If you wish to delay your next payment by an arbitrary length of time (not a skip period), for example if you are going to be out of action for 10 weeks for an operation and recovery, you can do that by following these steps (which assume you are already on the Subscriptions Management page):
1. There is a menu at the top of the screen in the Subscription Management portal, it will either be a drop down menu on a mobile or a menu bar on a laptop sized screen. Choose Subscriptions and you will be taken to a page showing your active subscription.
2. Your subscription product, such as ASENSEI ROWING MONTHLY will be listed here. Click on that product to be taken to a page showing the details of the subscription.
3. Click the button labelled Next order. This will bring up a screen with the details of the payment you are scheduled to make and a calendar chooser for your new scheduled date.
4. Choose a date, check you are happy and then confirm by pressing the button labelled Update next order date.
- Delaying a payment does not stop your current subscription, that will continue to run for the remainder of the month.
- Delaying may mean that you lose access to asensei content at the end of your current subscription period if that is prior to the next (re)scheduled payment.
- This mechanism can't be used to take a break midway through an annual subscription, the only way to do that is by contacting
Cancel Subscription
If you wish to cancel your subscription, you can do that by following these steps (which assume you are already on the Subscriptions Management page):
1. There is a menu at the top of the screen in the Subscription Management portal, it will either be a drop down menu on a mobile or a menu bar on a laptop sized screen. Choose Subscriptions and you will be taken to a page showing your active subscription.
2. Your subscription product, such as ASENSEI ROWING MONTHLY will be listed here. Click on that product to be taken to a page showing the details of the subscription.
3. Click the link labelled Cancel subscription, this will be at the foot of the page, under your subscription item and the swap product and add discount buttons. This will bring up a screen where you are requested to share your reason for cancellation, which will help us to improve our service.
4. Choose the reason for cancellation and hit the Next button to proceed with the cancellation. You may be asked for some further feedback.
5. Enter your feedback, the more information the better to help us improve and then press the Cancel button.
Change asensei payment details
If you wish to change the payment type associated with your subscription, you can do that by following these steps (which assume you are already on the Subscriptions Management page):
1. There is a menu at the top of the screen in the Subscription Management portal, it will either be a drop down menu on a mobile or a menu bar on a laptop sized screen. Choose Billing information and you will be taken to the billing information page.
2. Click on the button labelled Send email to update. You will be sent an email with a link in it.
3. Open the email titled Edit your payment details from and click the link labelled Confirm payment information. This will bring up a web page where you can change card details
4. Click on the link labelled Change in the Credit card section and enter your new card details.
5. Click on the button labelled Update Card to save the new details.
Annual & Family asensei memberships
Please note that annual plans do not currently use the same interface as above. You will still see the Manage Subscriptions link but if you click it then nothing will appear - this is to be expected and is because we use a different mechanism for annual plans. Annual plans do not currently automatically renew but we will contact you by email around 1 month before the end of your plan.
We are looking at improvements to the way that annual plans are managed; in the meantime if you wish to renew your annual subscription please login to using your asensei login details and purchase another subscription of the same type - your membership will automatically be extended.
Family Memberships are a variant of the annual memberships so will also not show up if you click Manage Plan. Each member of the family essentially has their own individual plan after the initial family purchase.
If you have any problems with your subscriptions and need help please contact us at
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