The place where you workout doesn't always have a great internet connection, if you are in a basement, or an outbuilding for example you might not be able to run a streaming workout on your phone or tablet, so can you run an asensei workout offline?
The short answer is yes you can run an asensei workout without an internet connection, but there are certain limitations you should be aware of.
Running asensei's Up Next workout when offline
You can run the next scheduled asensei workout from the Up Next page even when you have no internet access. Because asensei downloads this workout (and the following 2 sessions) in advance you are able to perform the Up Next session without any internet access so long as the download has completed.
And while asensei won't be able to save your workout results to the cloud (or to the concept 2 Logbook) immediately after you finish when you have no internet access it will try to do so next time you have the app open, in the foreground and have internet connection. It will continue to try and save the results in the background until it succeeds.
Just don't log out of the app until your results are saved, because all local data is wiped when you logout.
My regular workout venue has no internet, how should I use asensei?
If you need to workout offline regularly, you should make sure that you open the asensei app between your offline sessions, to allow the app to download your upcoming sessions and to allow it to save the results of your previous sessions.
asensei shows a download bar on the Up Next screen when the next workout is not yet complete. The Up Next workout is fully downloaded when the download bar is fully white and asensi asks if you are ready to workout
What asensei workouts can't you run when offline?
When the device running the asensei app has no internet connection you will not be able to choose a workout manually (via the Hey asensei [+], Workouts option) and run it. This applies even if you have previously downloaded the workout - you can't currently access these workouts. This is a limitation that we hope to address in future updates.
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